It has been perfectly calm and peaceful here today, which is quite a relief after all the recent excitement. Youngest has been occupied with the construction of his flying apparatus, middle has been busy reciting poetry to Jacques, he has an examination at ecole tomorrow and is wisely taking advantage of his captive audience, and Eldest is n her room with the door firmly closed doing whatever girls her age do in splendid solitude. Meanwhile Madame Grognonne is engaged in diving for freshwater langoustine in the pond and Loic is pottering in the potager.
At last after interminable delays the donut machine has been set up successfully and we have, to prove it, much to the delight of the all, several large boxes of gallettes chez nous.
Despite Chief Patissier’s fears that there might be an accident, dwelling as he does on the horrific demise of his elder brother, the inauguration of the machine passed without incidence. Although there was a brief moment of unease when Charlotte, one of the girls at the biscuiterie, lent too far into the bowels of the machine and caught her apron in the paddles, However Eugene ,who was passing carrying a bucket of butter, threw himself in after her and retrieved her before any harm was done.
Luckily Chief Patissier was able to adjust the recipe to allow for the extra butter and Charlotte’s chignon now looks exceptionally glossy, which has made such a difference to her appearance and quite takes ones attention away from her squint. So much so that Eugene, who is under normal circumstances quite brusque, has softened noticeably towards her to such an extent that he has spent the afternoon counting palettes with her in the packing room.
Safe in the knowledge that all is well with our world, I have spent the day in my studio, putting the finishing touches to my painting of war heroes. I felt it safer to complete my work from memory rather than risk further Doctors bills and domestic upset.
It is on days such as these, sitting here looking out over the countryside and our gardens, when there is nothing but the sound of the birds,the clatter of Loics metallic foot on the cobbles and the splashing of Madame Grognonne in the pond, that I sit and reflect on how full and happy my life is and how incredibly lucky I have been to have been thus blessed.
The painting of the young Breton woman is by the French artist Paul Serusier and looks not unlike poor little Charlotte, in fact if one looks closely I think one may even be able to detect a slight squint in the left eye!
A tranquil day - long may it last. Tranquil here too. You've made me REALLY fancy a donut though!
The lovely picture of that elegant lady on your blogsite is the image I get of you from reading this particular posting. How nice it is to have a relaxing day. I do hope it carries on into tomorrow.
Crystal x
Not too tranquille here with precarious internet connection - why does the bloody thing go every time it rains? Must be another dead sheep on the line.
I really like that picture. Poor Charlotte - a close shave.
Well how reaxing was that....? Not a lull before a storm I hope?
Now have we got to beg and plead for the elephant story..(nearly wrote tale...tee hee).....shall I start now?
Ches Loufouque - a haven of tranquility in a chaotic world! Un Peu you MUST put this out there! Someone has started writing the most BORING serial about a British Major in a club (mildly disguised Union Clup in downtown). It isn't the least bit original or even interesting and he is being paid! What can be done to get yours out there????
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Well, Rodrigo, I never did. Gosh, UPL, a chance to get one's breath back. I think Rodrigo seems to be advertising personalised clothing - maybe just the thin for occupants of the biscuit factory. Smart uniforms. Better than servants in glossy aprons.
But how is Mde G getting on? Does one actually dive for langoustines?
Or is that just her story to cover, as it were while she disappears to drink absinthe with the fishmonger behind the Megaliths? I should check carefully if I were you.
Are you going to order a camiseta personalidas for Mme G? It sounds a bit naughty to me, sort of thing the Can can dancers might have worn. Now there's a painting for you!
Oh! do, please, warn M g about the crocodiles........I would hate a suprise attack to spoil your present state of serenity!
YOu have cheered me up - after another boat row! Thank you.
I hope that you will forgive my not writing before now, but rest assured...et tranquille...that I have derived much pleasure from this hasty reading of your two sides.
Bon nuit.
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