Master Loufoque and Mistress Un peu have left for a brief visit to Brest, Henri, no Jacques, oh well you know who I mean, him with the red hair having got up at crack of dawn to get them to the railway Station on time... which he did. almost.
I have packed them an 'amper of comestibles for the journey because you can't tell what they eat in Finistrere it being such a backward sort of place and its always wise to err on the side of caution I say, rather than spening a weekend eating nothing but turnips.
We shall be expecting them back on Sunday night allowing for weather and other inconveniences of railways travel and meanwhile it has been "tres Tranquille" ici as Maddame would say... well apart from the incident with youngest and the rifle and not being able to find Loic when we 'ad the thunder storm this apres midi.But that was alright in the end because henro or jacque or who ever he is now, him who has the red hair, ran into him in the dark on the way back from the bar tabac in the governess cart so we did at least save him from spending the entire night out there frozen to the spot which Mistress was very particular about him not doing.
I know that her likes to stick some pretty picture on her writngs so here is one of some turnips and some other stuff becasue we were talking about em just now.
You're holding the fort wonderfully dear. I do hope the master and mistress aren't eating turnips all weekend, they will surely miss your home cooking and your care.
Mon dieu.
Well what more can one say. Bonne weekend Madame.
Tres jolie Madame! Nous sommes toutes ici pour vous aider en cas d'urgence. Restez tranquille. N'inquietez-vous pas. Bonne chance et bonne continuation!
Rifle??? Best keep that from Mme Un Peu. She worries so about her children!
Having just returned from a brief trip that included underground transport, above ground trains and even hired taxi rides, it is with great relief that I write from my own shabby, but comforting home.
Madame, I am sure that the family elders will be as grateful as I am now, when they return home.
Should anything be occurring during their absence that would mar that return, I would urge you to take all necessary measures in the remaining hours to restore the status quo. Or perhaps to raise the status quo to a level that matches the exhanced memories of the Loufouqes.
Please will you tell us something about Madame that we might not otherwise be privvy to ? oh go on, we won't tell !
Oh its so lovely to be back - Mme Grognonne I have missed you!
Welcome Back Mme Grognonne - perhaps you can sneak in the . . er . . odd . . blog for us now and again so that we know how you are.
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